Starting My Data Newsletter Journey Once Again
It’s 2023, and it is a perfect time to start something new—or in my case, reigniting what I have put to sleep for some time. After some months had passed by without much activity here, I decided to start over and wanted to share all I know with you all.
Maybe most of you were old friends of mine, and maybe some were never heard about me before. Whoever you are, I am happy that we can connect via this newsletter, and I hope we will keep connecting even more in the future.
Now let me explain a little about what happened to why I kind of stepped back on writing on some platforms. In the past year, I have taken a step back in the writing scenes because of my workload, personal health, and mental health. I struggle to write consistently when the energy is not there.
Luckily thou, this year, I feel better than before. After some rest, letting go of unnecessary things, and strategizing what I want in 2023, I am ready to be more active in connecting with you all.
Let’s make this year a blast!
What we would learn together ✌️
In 2023, my focus would be to share my data journey to improve your values using data knowledge.
I would still love to share various tips to enhance your data workflow, including:
👉 Unique Python packages
👉 Statistical Methods
👉 Data Project management
👉 MLOps
But I want people to improve their life being more than anything. With that in mind, I want to write further about:
👉 Data Science Projects
👉 Secure Jobs in Data
👉 Leverage data as side hustles
👉 Data writing
Nothing makes me happier when I get a comment or message when people say that their life improves because of me. It motivates me to keep writing and sharing knowledge—even if it only reaches a single person.
That is why my main focus on learning together is to improve your values.
Why should we care about improving our values?
Before, I owned nothing in my wallet except a scrap of money after I graduated from my master’s study. Don’t know what to do and felt only like a burden to my parent.
Then I found data science. Although I knew data science before I graduated, I only pursued the career further after consecutive failures on not accepting into a Ph.D. program.
Data science is always in the back of my mind, but I focused so much on getting into the doctoral program that I didn’t consider that career path. However, fate had something different for me in the store.
I might have a passion for biological research, but I am realized that I am also passionate about data knowledge. I am certainly intrigued that data is something I could pursue further. Thinking about the possibility that data could do, my path decision became even clearer.
Fast forward a few years later, and I am in a position where I could lead a data project and decide where it could go. From 0 to 100, it only happens because I improve my values.
Improving our values could come in many forms:
Skill upskilling
Mindset change
Creating system
Improve financially
And many more. It’s a tangible and intangible value that boosts our quality of life.
My story above has a lot of gaps that I will explain in the future, but you get the point.
So, why should you care to improve your values? Because it would change your life for the better. Nothing feels better compared to knowing that we have transformed for the better.
It is what I feel and what you should want to feel.
Let’s start our learning journey together.